More about Trainmaster Gloucestershire

Accessibility features

  • Access for Wheelchair Users Access for Wheelchair Users
  • Accessible Parking
  • Accessible toilet
  • Autism Friendly
  • Baby Changing Facilities
  • Family Friendly
  • PA/Carer Free Entry

Trainmaster Gloucestershire is train themed events and private parties that pop-up around Gloucestershire. It’s set-up and run by myself (Louise) and I fill the room with floor based train track, ride-on trains, train coasters, books, crafts and more!

Our events are suitable for children (and adults) of all ages

I book and host the events myself all over the county and try to hit each location at least once every 4-6 weeks

To see current locations and dates, please head to the website:

You can also book your tickets here – it’s important to note that each ticket allows in one free adult too, whether that be a parent/guardian of a child, or a carer/PA

I welcome all SEN children and adults to come and play, and I always try to keep the events are accessible as possible, but of course this can vary from venue to venue so please don’t hesitate to get in contact if you have any questions about anything at all

I hope to see you soon!

– Louise, Trainmaster Gloucestershire
