Move It My Way

Monday, 01 June 2020 6:00am to Tuesday, 30 June 2020 8:00pm

Accessibility features

  • Access for Wheelchair Users Access for Wheelchair Users
  • Family Friendly
  • Hidden Disabilities Awareness

From running or rowing, to dancing or bouncing, we want you to move it your way and help support Gympanzees.

Set yourself a challenge to complete in June – choose your activity and get moving!

Move It My Way

Here are some ideas, which will depend on your own abilities, but do feel free come up with your own:

  • – Wheel backwards
  • – Chair pushups
  • – Up and down stairs
  • – Cruising around furniture
  • – Sit to stand to sits
  • – Sponsored danceathon
  • – Sponsored singathon/ makatonathon
  • – Walking, running with walking aid – frame/ sticks (choose your own distance each day)

Email us a photo and tell us about your challenge to get your Move It My Way medal!

All funds raised will help provide support and equipment for children and young people with disabilities and their families to stay active at home.

Sign up costs £12 and you can sign up here.

Sign up closes 30th June.
