Listen To Me Coffee Meet Up Tewkesbury (Parent Carer)

Tuesday, 04 October 2022 9:00am to 11:00am

Accessibility features

  • Access for Wheelchair Users Access for Wheelchair Users
  • Accessible Parking
  • Assistance Dogs Only
  • Autism Friendly
  • Family Friendly
  • Hidden Disabilities Awareness
  • Public Transport Links

Please join us and other Parent Carers to share stories, experiences and knowledge. We are here to be the voice of Parent Carers to Services.

Please click this link for your free ticket to attend-

Do you care for a Child or Young Person with Special Educational Needs, Disability, additional need or health condition? Join us to share stories, experiences and knowledge. We are here to be the voice of Parent Carers to Service providers for Education, Health and Social care. We work co-productively with service providers to effect positive change for our Children and families. Share your voice with us at this event and chat with others who ‘get it’.

First drink is on us for members. It’s quick and easy to sign up. You can do that here
