ADHD Peer Support – Cheltenham

Monday, 22 August 2022 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Accessibility features

  • Access for Wheelchair Users Access for Wheelchair Users
  • Accessible Parking
  • Accessible toilet
  • Assistance Dogs Only
  • Autism Friendly
  • Clear communication
  • Dementia Friendly
  • Hidden Disabilities Awareness
  • Hoist Access To Facilities
  • Quiet Space
  • Visual Impairment Awareness
August meet-up is a week early, Monday, August 22nd at 7 pm.
We are having an adventure and meeting outside for this session. There is a poll on our Cheltenham private group (link in bio or search for ADHD Hub Glos – Cheltenham on FB ) if you’d like to help us decide where to meet for our last summer session. 
Back at the Phoenix centre 
Monday, September 26th 
Monday, October 31st (this is Halloween, please check incase we need to change this date)
These sessions run on the last Monday of the month.
Monthly ADHD pre and post-diagnosis meet-ups for peer support and friendship.
This is a safe space for those with ADHD, pre and post-diagnosis.
Meeting at The Phoenix Centre Winchcombe Street
The venue will open just to our group.
Have a cup of tea and a chat, enjoy the sensory room and meet like-minded people. You’re not alone.
As well as supporting each other and sharing ideas (we all have lots of those!) coping strategies etc., there is practical support and signposting for diagnosis, form filling etc.

This venue is fully accessible with wheelchair access and accessible toilets. The venue is open only to us in the evenings, so you can park on the forecourt for free. If there is no space, there is a car park just around the corner.

If you struggle to come in alone or with directions, please email, and we can help by coming to meet you or sending a video of how to get to the location.
