
Literature and Writing

Book clubs and creative writing workshops can be found here.

Browse all Literature and Writing below
  • Gloucester / Literature and Writing - Performing Arts - Wellbeing

    Script writing course with tutor Gemma Bolwell

    Script Writing with tutor Gemma Bolwell Jan 5, 12, 19, 26 Feb 2, 9, 16, Online course This course is all about bringing characters and situations to life! Learn how to lay out a script, including all the different elements like stage directions, prologues, dialogue, pacing and structuring a scene. Try out techniques used by […]

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    Art Shape 2 years ago
  • Gloucestershire / Literature and Writing - Wellbeing

    Writing for Children – Online course with tutor Gemma Bolwell

    Writing for Children Online course with tutor Gemma Bolwell Nov 3, 10, 17, 24, Dec 1, 8 What books did you love when you were young and why did they appeal to you? Maybe you enjoyed certain types of storylines or identified with certain characters? Perhaps the places in the story came alive in your […]

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    Art Shape 2 years ago
  • Gloucestershire / Arts and Crafts - Children's Activities - Literature and Writing - Sports and Leisure

    An opportunity to write to encourage and motivate

    An opportunity to write about your new beginnings to encourage and motivate New beginnings can be so beautiful. We see them in nature in Spring as bare trees are filled with cherry blossom and green shoots gently bud and flower. New beginnings happen in our lives too, sometimes out of choice and sometimes not. It could […]

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  • Gloucester / Arts and Crafts - Literature and Writing - Sports and Leisure - Wellbeing

    The Lighthouse

    The Lighthouse is a completely new style of day service guiding adults with learning disabilities through development, enablement and enrichment The Lighthouse aims to help adults with learning disabilities discover and achieve their dreams while having fun and enjoying their community. We will help each member of our growing family to embrace and develop their […]

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