Exciting drama classes for 3-6 year olds

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  • Access for Wheelchair Users Access for Wheelchair Users
  • Accessible Parking
  • Accessible toilet
  • Autism Friendly
  • Clear communication
  • Family Friendly
  • Quiet Space

Take your children on an imaginative adventure, with our innovative drama class for younger children, which takes place for 30 minutes on Saturday’s during term time in Churchdown at 9.15am.

Each week we cover a different theme (for example Space, Animals, Spring, Innovation, Superheroes and Villains, and Sports and Fitness are some of the areas we looked at last term.)

We start and finish with the same welcome and goodbye action song each week, to allow the children to become used to the structure of the classes. 

We then have a warm up and breathing, mime and movement activities, show and tell and discussion, and reading and re enacting stories. We cover literacy, numeracy, social interaction and learning about  the world wherever we can.

Whats more, the first session is absolutely FREE. 

For more information, or to book your trial session, please email emilyhastingsactingup@gmail.com or visit www.actinguptheatre.co.uk.

Booking is essential so please contact me to avoid disappointment.

Thank you


