An opportunity to write to encourage and motivate

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An opportunity to write about your new beginnings to encourage and motivate

New beginnings can be so beautiful. We see them in nature in Spring as bare trees are filled with cherry blossom and green shoots gently bud and flower.

New beginnings happen in our lives too, sometimes out of choice and sometimes not.

It could be the beginning of a hobby or friendship, the start of anew term or job, or even a decision to stop a bad habit.

We’d love to invite you to write a piece about new beginnings for a Spring edition of Write Up Your Street, which will be circulated in public places such as community cafes. We hope our publication will inspire and encourage people to try something new.

You could write:

·       Creative piece about Spring

·       A memoir of an exciting new beginning in your life

·       A piece about your plans to try something new this year
