The Velcro Collective

An inclusive dance, movement and participatory arts company

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We specialise in Dance, Theatre & Participatory Arts with a commitment to Inclusion and Diversity at the heart of everything we do.

Creating interactive work that is bright, imaginative, and joyful, our accessible performances, creative projects, workshops and training experiences allow audiences and participants to think differently.

We care about people having opportunities to access the arts. So, we look for the gaps to identify who is missing out. By putting people first we create opportunities to experience dance in new and unusual ways.

Contact info

  • 07876773775
  • Louise Brown

27 Clayfurlong Grove

Inclusion statement

The Velcro Collective are committed to inclusive working practices for whom ever we work with, including our core collaborative team, performers, and audiences.
We work with our teams and audiences through collaboration and provide access where required for each specific situation and need.
We learn and build in access through conversations, partnerships, and relationships to ensure everyone we work with has the support needed to create our best work, and to make sure all audiences have access to our work.

Online links