Illustrate the Myths (Online Course)
Thursday, 07 April 2022 9:45am to 9:45am
Accessibility features
Autism Friendly
Dementia Friendly
Hidden Disabilities Awareness
Illustrate the Myths
with tutor Kate Townley
Thursdays on Google Classrooms
April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12
During this course we will be delving into myths from various ancient cultures around the world! Together we will look at how these myths were conveyed in traditional art and then take inspiration from our research to reinterpret the myths within our own illustrations. You will be using a variety of techniques such as collage, ink and gouache to produce an imaginative set of illustrations.
To find out more or book your place, please get in touch
01452 863855 /
These courses are fully subsidised for participants who are 19+ and are below a full level 2 in their education and/or are looking to build confidence.